Monday, November 12, 2012

Earn Money Online

Earning Money Online

There are different ways of earning money online. Create a blog or website first. You need to have fresh contents and a good tarrif to your website. After six months, you can apply it for adsense where you get paid per click if any visitor clicked on the ads displayed in your website. Six months seems preety long time. Better apply with Custom domain rather than subdomain like since google doesn't approve easily for subdomains.

Do not copy and paste, write fresh contents yourself, otherwise you will be rejected easily.

What if you got rejected from Adsense?

Adsense is not only the option. Lots of you may be rejected for adsense, but still don't lose hope. There are still lots of alternatives to earn online like 
Amazone affiliate Programs,
Chitika, and so on. 
You can go for affiliation programs where you earn commisions when some one buys the products through your site.
But Google Adsense is the best among all.

My blog is yet not six months older so I applied for infolinks and I got approved. You can see some ads in my blog too.


If you don't have good number of visitors to your blog or website it would be worthless even though you get approved 
for adsense or any other programs because you need visitors to click on those ads. You cannot earn by clicking yorself.
That would be invalid clicks and you may be banned too.